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Coflex is a minimally invasive, out-patient surgery.


Through a small incision, the Coflex device is placed to reduce pain caused by spinal stenosis. Unlike a spinal fusion, the implant preserves motion. Your spine can still move naturally you will notice a decrease in the spinal stenosis symptoms, such as limited walking distance, the need to lean on surfaces for support, the need to sit, and of course back and leg pain.  

Coflex - Post Operative Instructions

Incision Care:   Dressing may be removed 24 hours after surgery. If used, surgical glue will come off within 14 days.  Please call us with any changes or concerns such as:

  • redness

  • swelling or drainage at incision site

  • temperature greater than 101°                                                         

Bathing:   You may shower the day after surgery but keep the dressing on for 2 day then remove. Also wipe a small amount of Neosporin on the incision gently after showering daily once the dressing is removed and continue this for the next week. Avoid scrubbing the incision site for 72 hours. No baths or swimming until approved by the physician or physician assistant at your follow up appointment.

For 7 days after surgery:

  • No driving for 7 days

2 weeks after surgery:

  • No strenuous activity

  • No lifting greater than 10lbs

Exercise:   Increase your light activity each day, such as walking, as tolerated.

Medications:   The day of surgery your doctor may prescribe medications and antibiotics with instructions for use. Also if you are on chronic blood thinners, they are restarted after the surgery and your doctor will tell you the proper number of hours after which you need to restart them.
Driving:  You may drive after day 7 if you feel okay to do so.  Do not drive if you are taking pain medications.
Diet:  Eat a healthy diet to promote healing.  
Smoking:  Avoid smoking.  Smoking decreases the rate of bone and skin healing and also interferes with the effectiveness of pain medication.
Follow-Up:  You may experience soreness of the hips for up to 7 days due to changes in your posture post-operatively.  You will have a post-operative appointment approximately 14-16 days after surgery.  


(734) 373-7246

Ann Arbor

Michigan Pain Specialists

710 Avis Drive

Ann Arbor, MI  48108

Phone (734) 373-7246

Fax ‭(734) 375-6565‬


Riverside Professional Building

770 Riverside Ave, Suite 207

Adrian, MI 49221

Phone: (517) 920-4453

FAX (517) 920-4671

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