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At Michigan Pain Specialists, we strive to provide the latest and most innovative treatment options to our patients. Research plays a vital role in the development and improvement of medical therapies and technologies.  We are proud to partner with many private companies to provide high-quality data to help improve these advancements in the treatment for chronic pain. 

Our experienced staff is committed to the success of clinical trials with consistency, accuracy and compliance.  Our research team (All Investigators and Clinical Research Coordinators) are trained in Good Clinical Practice to protect the rights and safety of our patients. 

We are so proud to contribute to medical science. Here are active and past research done at Michigan Pain Specialists:

Spinal Cord Stimulator Studies:

Relief Study 

Is to evaluate the long term effectiveness of SCS therapy for pain as well as to evaluate the economic value and technical performance of commercially approved Boston Scientific equipment. 


Navitas Cohort

A substudy of Relief to capture the relationship between objective measurements (vitals signs, activity level, etc.) and clinical outcomes in subjects with a commercially approved Boston Scientific SCS systems. 

Envision Cohort

A substudy of Relief to capture the relationship between objective measurements (vitals signs, activity level, etc.) and clinical outcomes in subjects with a commercially approved Boston Scientific SCS systems. Boston Scientific may use observed findings to make recommendations for programming use. 


Combo Study

         A study to compare the value of multiple modalities using the commercially approved Spectra WaveWriter SCS system for treating chronic pain versus traditional paresthesia stimulation and determine the impact of this system on global patient outcomes such as quality of life, patient preference, etc

PRO (Precision Retrospective Outcomes Study)

         Evaluate the outcomes of SCS patients using a retrospective review of de-identified patient charts. 


         A randomized controlled study to evaluate the effectiveness of the Precision Spectra SCS system at high frequency levels. Completed



A study to demonstrate the value of multiple modalities using the Spectra WaveWriter SCS system for treating chronic pain and determine the impact of this system on global patient outcomes such as quality of life, patient preference, etc. 


Minimally Invasive Procedure Studies:


         A study to compile real world outcomes of the Superion IDS (Indirect Decompression System) to treat patients suffering from pain, numbness and/or cramping in the legs secondary to lumbar spinal stenosis in routine clinical practice.   



A randomized controlled study examining functional improvement in subjects treated with the MILD procedure versus those treated with convention medical management (i.e. injections. PT, meds, chiropractor, etc.)


Midas was a randomized study to compare patient outcomes after treatment with either an ESI or the MILD (minimally invasive lumbar decompression) procedure. COMPLETED

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