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Sacroiliac Fusion Surgery

Sacroiliac Fusion is a procedure that your doctor may recommend if your sacroiliac joints continue to hurt after diagnosing the problem and injecting the joint with local anesthesia and steroids. If you are considering the procedure, there are things to understand below.


  • This is a surgical fusion of the joint itself and the recovery will have instructions that you need to follow that are listed below.


  • Since this is a surgical procedure there is pain during the recovery and healing of the fusion. The pain is significant, so please plan for this. Pain medicines will be needed which can cause constipation so preventing the constipation by taking daily Miralax may be needed so talk to the doctor. 


  • You will need to have antibiotics that your doctor will prescribe.


  • No smoking is allowed for 1 week before and 3 months after surgery since it inhibits bone healing.


  • No NSAIDS (ibuprofen, naproxen, etc) are allowed for 1 week before and 3 months after surgery since it inhibits bone healing.

Some Sacroiliac Fusions are done with cadaver bone and some with metal implants. Once your doctor recommends the right product for you watch the video that will show you more about the brand you will have. 

Sacroiliac Fusion - Post Operative Instructions
Incision Care:   Dressing may be removed 24 hours after surgery, if no drainage. If used, surgical glue will come off within 14 days.  Please call us with any changes or concerns such as:

  • redness

  • swelling or drainage at incision site

  • temperature greater than 101°                                                     

Bathing:   You may shower 24 hours after surgery; avoid scrubbing the incision site for 72 hours. No baths or swimming until approved by the physician or physician assistant at your follow up appointment.
For 4 weeks after surgery:

  • No strenuous activity

  • No lifting greater than 10lbs

  • No bending or twisting at waistline

  • No overhead reaching

Exercise:  Increase your light activity each day, such as walking, as tolerated.
Driving:  You may drive the day after the procedure if you feel okay to do so.  Do not drive if you are taking pain medications.
Diet:  Eat a healthy diet to promote healing.  
Smoking:  Avoid smoking.  Smoking decreases the rate of bone and skin healing and also interferes with the effectiveness of pain medication.
Follow-Up:  You may experience soreness of the hips for up to 7 days due to changes in your posture post-operatively.  You will have a post-operative appointment 7-10 days after surgery.  
Please understand this is a surgery and soreness from healing is normal, even for weeks after the surgery. 
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our office at ‭(734) 373-7246

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